The insurer shall reimburse the expenses incurred by the purchaser or assured for fulfilling his duty subject to the preceding paragraph even though the total sum of the said reimbursement and the indemnity of the insurance exceed the value of the subject matter insured. 保险人对于要保人或被保险人,为履行前项义务所生之费用,负偿还之责,其偿还数额与赔偿金额合计虽超过保险标的价值,仍应偿还之。
The provision shall be construed as imposing the duty or liability or providing for the service of notice Where a contract is concluded by the exchange of electronic messages, the time of arrival of the acceptance shall be governed by Paragraph 2 of Article 16 hereof. 该条文须解释为对以下的人委以责任或法律责任,或解释为订定须向以下的人送达通知书采用数据电文形式订立合同的,承诺到达的时间适用本法第十六条第二款的规定。